A Healing Journey
Teacher, ThetaHealer©, Student of Life
Aloha! My name is Rachel Fugate, based in Honolulu, HI. My Soul mission is to empower you to embody your truest essence, so that you can experience your most magical life and fully express your unique and potent gifts on Earth.
As life would have it, my personal, ever evolving healing journey, has certainly had its 'twists and turns.' Like so many of us, I experienced emotional and physical upheaval and trauma, loss of loved ones, financial blocks, and an unrelenting frustration with life. Although it has been anything but an easy journey, today, I am so grateful for all of these challenges, as they were the sacred ingredients that lit a fierce spark within me to remember my wholeness and connection to Source.
For over two decades, I dove deeply into spirituality and the healing arts to help me release physical symptoms, shed unwanted patterns, and energetic blocks accumulated in early childhood and in past lives.
After synchronistically discovering ThetaHealing© after a traumatic accident, and immediately experiencing profound physical, energetic, mental and emotional healing from my own sessions, I was guided to become certified as a practitioner.
What is ThetaHealing©?
ThetaHealing©, created by Vianna Stibal in 1994, is a spiritual philosophy and meditation technique, that guides you into a 'theta' brainwave state similar to hypnosis, where instant shifts and healings can take place. Theta is an incredibly potent healing modality used to uncover subconscious beliefs, shed unwanted patterns, and live the life you were destined to live. I am deeply honored to share this work and my gifts with you, and take part in the divinely orchestrated remembrance and expansion of YOU.